Home Guides The Division 2 – Where to Find Faction Keys, Weapon Skins and Masks

The Division 2 – Where to Find Faction Keys, Weapon Skins and Masks

by Tom
Division 2 keys masks skins
Division 2 keys masks skins

The Division 2 recreated Washington D.C. as a city plagued by semi-organized crime, rebellious military leaders and a collapsing infrastructure. Garbage bags fill the empty streets, body bags fill the empty buildings. It’s not a great time to be alive, yet there you stand. Alive.

As you trek through The Division 2, completing missions and doing what you can to restore order to the chaos, you’ll likely encounter some locked chests that require special keys or players rocking customized weapons and cool masks that you have no idea how they got. A quick read through of this guide on where to find faction keys, weapon skins and masks in the Division 2 should clear up any mystery and allow you to gear your agent with some cool stuff.

Where Do You Find Hyena, Outcast and True Sons Keys in The Division 2?

Division 2 Faction Keys Sewer

Faction keys can be found throughout the sewer system or as rewards from bounties.

Throughout Washington D.C. you’ll find small, locked safes that require certain keys to open. Unless you’re lucky, chances are you’ll find a few of these locked safes before you actually have a key to open them. Sometimes these safes are tucked away in a shadowy corner filled with useless rubble. Other times you may find a safe stashed right alongside other, more accessible loot. Unless you have a key, you’ll just have to jot down the location of the safe and remember to come back to it.

Luckily, finding the keys is as easy as taking a stroll through the nearest sewer system. Use your map to locate the nearest sewer tunnel, make your way to it and descend down into the dirty, dank depths of D.C.

Key boxes are found on the walls of the sewer tunnels. Their appearance felt random to me, and I never noticed them appearing more or less often in the presence of enemies. Just look for the boxes you see in the screenshot I posted and the key is yours. If you’re having trouble finding the keys in the sewer, you can take on a bounty mission which can reward faction keys upon completion.

Where To Find Division 2 Weapon Skins?

Division 2 Weapon Skin Location

You can find Division 2 weapon skins in drop boxes hanging from trees and buildings.

Turn your head to the sky and search for parachutes tangled in tree branches or caught on the sides of buildings. The tangled chutes are an indicator that there is likely a supply box dangling like a Christmas tree ornament just out of view. One shot to the supply box and it will fall open, dropping its contents on the ground.

Usually you’ll get a weapon or gear (or two) from each box, and if you’re lucky the contents include a weapon skin that you can equip. Show those True Sons that your little, pink pistol is nothing to laugh at.

How To Find Masks in The Division 2?

Division 2 Masks

Getting masks takes a little more work than looting sewer boxes or shooting tree boxes. You might actually want to bring a friend along, because getting masks is tough.

To get masks in The Division 2 you have to find and eliminate special, anti-Agent characters known as Hunters.

The Hunters are on a tier beyond any opponent you’ve likely faced in the game, and everything they do is designed to make it five-times harder for you to kill them. I don’t know their background story (yet) but they have no issue with taking you out before you can pull the trigger.

You’ll known a Hunter is close when your screen randomly flickers and fills with static interference. If you manage to track it down and kill it, you’re rewarded with a cool cosmetic mask.

So far, I’ve only managed to take out one Hunter. It took two of my friends and I about 15 minutes to whittle down the Hunter’s shield, avoid his one-shot kills and overcome his tech to eliminate him.

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