Necromancer Duel is a free indie game that challenges players to a duel of the dead. Two necromancers face off in battle. The player controls one, the A.I. controls the other. The last necromancer standing wins.
Developed for Ludum Dare 44, the theme of which was “Your Life is Currency,” Necromancer Duel allows players to use their own health points to summon more undead warriors.

As a turn-based, boardgame-like experience, Necromancer Duel is easy to play. When it’s your turn, you can choose to move your characters or summon a new character in the line-of-sight lane of the necromancer.
Combat occurs at the end of a turn. If a character moves next to an enemy character, they will attack that character at the end of the turn. It’s like checkers in a way, just without the skipping over enemies — you remain where you moved to and the vanquished foe vanishes.
Necromancer Duel can be played in browsers and it’s also available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Check it out on and follow the developer on Twitter.